10 Years of Gratitude and Counting

Thank you from ZMac!
It all started 10 years ago. There was only a few of us then and we were excited around each other and certain we would succeed. Privately we were all scared to death. Fears and doubts creeped into our minds trying to infect us with thoughts of bankruptcy, failure, embarrassment and worst of all my realization that if this didn’t work me and my whole family would have to move into my mom’s basement.
We put that worry to the side and got to work calling customers, building relationships, quoting, winning some freight but losing more. July 19th, 2010 we booked our first load.
We were stressed but thankful for every opportunity to earn the trust of a customer. We would even write the name of every customer that gave us a load on our thankful board, (a whiteboard hanging on the wall). That board filled up quickly because we stuck to our belief that if we just did the right thing, win or lose, our customers would continue to trust us.
We had success and failures, but we tried to learn from every experience to make ZMac an industry leader and a great place to work. We’re still trying new things because there is no finish line in the journey to be the best. We will continue to have success stories, we will also make mistakes, but both are necessary to make us better.
I started looking through all the pictures we have from the beginning up till now and I realized that I was looking at my new thankful board. I am truly thankful for all the people who have been a part of this journey and made ZMac possible. Thank you for helping us create a brand founded on hard work, integrity and trust.

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